John Salustri has covered the commercial real estate industry for nearly 25 years. He was the founding editor of, and is a four-time recipient of the Excellence in Journalism award from the National Association of Real Estate Editors.
NEW YORK CITY-"Close by, another man rapped his useless cell phone repeatedly on the park bench and then clutched his head in his hands. That one gesture, more than any other, seemed to summarize the day.
NEW YORK CITY-In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attack, the real estate industry surveys the damage and talks about rebuilding. Most respondents predict only short-term downside in the valuation of high-rise CBD office space.
NEW YORK CITY-Developer Larry Silverstein has answered a question that has dominated the minds of New Yorkers and all Americans: Will the World Trade Center rise again?
NEW YORK CITY-Can you imagine 3-D without the goofy glasses? Professional competitors Mary Ann Tighe and Tom Falus can. They're both part of an 11-person investment group fueling the growth of San Francisco-based Screampoint LLC.
NEW YORK CITY-Tim Callahan, former president and CEO of Equity Office Properties, has been tapped to head the locally based REIT. The appointment is immediate, as Callahan replaces Christopher Mackenzie.
NEW YORK CITY-Weeks after major shareholders demanded corporate governance changes on the part of the executive committee of Insignia Financial, the firm files new procedures with the Fed. One shareholder who spoke with is moderately confident.
NEW YORK CITY-The umbrella corporation for Conde Nast and Parade has signed on for 43,361 sf at this Midtown asset. The firm is taking two floors, effective immediately.
NEW YORK CITY-Yesterday's routine conference call on quarterly results became anything but routine as Insignia Financial shareholders questioned chairman and CEO Andrew Farkas on reimbursements, political contributions and personal investments.
NEW YORK CITY-Unveiling proposed replacement acreage for the World Trade Center, the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. and the Port Authority yesterday rang the opening bell on what is planned to spark weeks of public discussion. Despite the variety of designs, all renderings reflect Silverstein and the Port Authority's rights as tenant and owner, said LMDC chief Whitehead.